Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mayor’s Prayers Answered

While city people generally complain about rainy weather, wishing for rain is part of the Alice Springs psyche.  With vast blue skies to greet us most mornings, clouds are a godsend for photographers at sunrise and sunset, and a sign of hope for the residents.   True, a series of cloudy skies, but dry days, can dampen the spirits of the townsfolk.  Should the clouds produce sufficient rain to actually reach the ground, the mood is elevated to that of children on Christmas morning, with cries of ‘It’s raining!’ and ‘Can you smell the rain?’ echoing throughout the streets and workplaces.

Recently we've had some promising cloud and some short light showers which barely touched the ground and failed to register in the rain gauges.  Yesterday, for a brief time, I drove through a rain storm where I could hardly see, even with the wipers on full.  This should have brought joy to everyone in town. 

Uncharacteristically, Mayor Damien Ryan, has been praying for fine weather.  He’s not the only one.  The English Cricket Team is in town to play the Chairman’s XI, and rain is the last thing on the agenda.  With bumper crowds expected, and cricket fans bearing grins to rival the Cheshire Cat, I’m sure I heard a collective cheer as I went for my early morning walk and saw the last clouds disappearing behind Mt Gillen.

Who knew the Mayor had quite so much influence? 

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