Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sturt’s Desert Pea

One of my favourite ways to get around Alice Springs is on my bicycle – I enjoy the rhythm of cycling while having an opportunity to notice more of what Alice has to offer.  We are just getting towards the end of the vibrant red displays of Sturt’s Desert Pea on the nature strips, on the islands on the road, and in gardens.  Even though I know where it is now, somehow the colour, so different from any of the other plants and natural features, still surprises me as I round a corner or ride down a street from a different direction.  Some displays are quite small, but there are several large areas which fascinate me – they seem almost over indulgent, as if the plant just had to burst out in a joyous profusion of colour.

The flower is named Swainsona Formosa after an English botanist, Isaac Swainson.  ‘Formosa’ means ‘beautiful’ – aptly named.  It only occurs naturally in arid areas of Australia, and is the South Australian floral emblem.

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